Tuesday, November 18, 2014

News and Updates

This week, we are reading about the Mayflower for homework. You can explore the Mayflower with this interactive:

Mayflower Interactive

You can practice vocabulary with these Quizlet links. Be sure to thank Mrs. Smith for setting them up for us!

Voyage to a New World
The Bell on the Cat

Animal Cams
Did you enjoy watching the birds last week? Here are some more animal cams to enjoy:

Elephant Watering Hole
Polar Bears in Canada

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

The Seasons

We have been learning about the causes of the seasons. You can find the seasons animation here:

Seasons Animation

You can also do this seasons game. Click on "Launch" at the bottom of the page.

Seasons Game

Here is a different animation. What do you notice?


Thursday, November 6, 2014

What's New This Week!

Birds at the feeder

This week, we have had many birds at our feeder. Students have enjoyed watching the tufted titmouse, cardinal, and downy woodpecker. You can check out this site to find out more about birds.

Cornell All About Birds

If you want do some birdwatching on your own, you can see the Feeder Cam. (This requires Flash)

Feeder Cam


We will be working on a new list with suffixes. These will be suffixes that make nouns.

Noun Forming Suffixes, Tier 1

Noun Forming Suffixes, Tier 2

You can review the important details about noun-forming details with this presentation:

United States Geography
We are learning about the states of the Northeast. Don't forget to study! You can practice naming the states with these games:

Lizard Point Geography Game

Northeast Region Quiz Game

Quizlet States Game